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Boss Generals

OFFICIAL patch changes

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# 1MaDDoX Jul 13 2005, 04:09 AM
Release 3 changes


* 2 new gameplay modes - CTF (Capture The Flag) and AoD (Art of Defense), with their specific maps:
AoD - Mayhem Choke (6p) by FaclonKing - No bombing powers available in the Boss version, you'd better be good!
CTF - Conflict Zone (2p) - Extremely balanced map for CTF play, many tactical options like infantry-only ramps and areas
CTF - Land Slide (4p) by SpyVsSpy - The master of 4p maps, check this one out!
CTF - Siberia (6p) by MaDDoX - Ever thought this map is too large? Think again, the CTF version will have you fighting for every inch - and flag - around.

AoD it's a "comp-be-stomped" game mode, just set one team-less Boss USA Hard AI to make it work - better get some online partners or allied AI to stand a chance. It has in-game instructions, and differently from the original this mode disables many bombing powers to make up for the "Boss Hard" level of difficulty. For instructions on the CTF mode, which's multiplayer only, read the attached "BossCTFrules.txt" text file.

* Added the excellent 'Red Rise' 1v1 map by Scuddy, for Boss regular mode

* New "Donation" feature for team games. With a research time of 1m, and costing $1,250, the 'donation cursor' is created at the Command Center, requiring the secondary cash structure (Internet Center, Supply Drop Zone or Black Market). This cursor can be guided to any place in the map in a split second, and will drop a $1,000 cash box anywhere, including on top of allied structures for instant transfer.

* New "Forgo" option for some tech structures, let you leave a captured derrick (or flag in the CTF mode) for your partner at the click of a button. To take control of the structure, send any type of infantry inside, but please notice the infantry unit is lost.

* Loader now disables the Language Filter on Boss Generals mode

General changes and bugfixes:

- Militia Mob more resistant to gattling, fire and flashbang damage (50-60% from 100%)
- Emperor Tank moving speed is now slower (22 vs 27)
- Attack Outpost buildtime increased (18s from 15s)
- Minigunners now slightly weaker to comanche_vulcan, used by the Humvee gun (75% damage taken from 50%)
- Terror bikes now only have dead man's trigger (ie. always explode) with suicide demo, no longer with only gamma
- Area of effect of gamma + suicide demo Terror bikes reduced (35.0 from 50.0), damage slightly reduced (1100 from 1200)
- Supply Drop Zone timings and cash changed. It's now 1860/2220 (without/with Supply Lines) every 3 mins (from 1500/1650/2mins)
- Horde range of nuke BMs increased (150 from 110, original is 75)
- King Raptor experience now properly increased like other US units. 130/150/220/300 (from 75/75/125/175)
- Hacker now takes longer to disable a vehicle (4s from 2s), longer setup time (3.7s from 2s)
- Bomb Truck is now locked to the stealth genplan, but it's vastly improved: cheaper (1000 vs 1200); can now climb hills; Faster (60 from 50); Buildtime reduced (18s from 30s)
- Oil refineries now reduce the cost of vehicles more sensibly (15% vs 10%)
- Rebel's Molotov damage per second slightly reduced (1.5s clip reload time from 1s)
- Cash Ripoff now gives some more cash ($750 vs $500)
- Avenger Target Designator weapon range increased (255 from 230, 300 with S&D)
- Regular crates now have a higher chance of leveling up full-weapon-upgraded units, like the crate drop version
- King Raptor, Aurora Alpha, Black Mig and Combat Chinook now leave a crate in their crash site
- Supply Lines upgrade now requires a Supply Drop Zone
- EP Aurora now leaves the Battlebus with a sliver of health (vs instantly destroying it)
- Reinforcement Pads are now as resistant as Oil Derricks (6000 from 4000)
- Battle Bus speed on red health is now slower (30 vs 40)
- Rebel's Molotov cocktail now requires palace
- Molotov cocktail more effective vs tanks, noticeably vs normal ones
- Support Station have a new model and now provides permanent radar (not power-dependant)
- 'Demo Terror' upgrade moved to the Barracks from the Supply Stash
- Medium anthraxid puddle (created by the blob thrower) now lasts 4 secs shorter

- Siberia road objects removed, map performance vastly improve
- Top base area slightly reduced in map 'Mai Fist'
- Fixed experience bug for USA - vehicles weren't giving away faster experience
- EP Raptor bug of losing precison vs moving infantry with LGM fixed
- Fixed a stability issue with the GLA's level 7 Anthraxid Bomb
- Fixed bug with Technicals not becoming veteran with Stealth Tactics
- Supply Lines Cameo added for the Chinooks and Supply Drop Zone
- Attack Outpost and Fai AO can now target air units directly
- Red Guards are now elite with the Advanced Infantry genplan
- Advanced Troopcrawler now comes with 6 redguards and costs $1,200 (from 8/$1,600)
- Tank Hunters are now more radiation resistant and specially more bullet resistant with the Infantry Boost (formerly Infantry Weapons) upgrade
- Armor suits now increase the Tank Hunters base health, specially effective next to propaganda auras
- Shockwave effect of Helix Nuke Bomb now only happens after the 'Penetration Bomb' upgrade
- Hellgun particle effects simplified to avoid gameplay slowdown
- Hellgun sweeping action (that forms an arc firewall) now only happens under an horde or propaganda effect
- Workers (and basic infantry in CTF mode) now move slower on water (9 from 11 dist/sec)
- Single Player mission buttons removed

- Fixed bug of Tournament Island map not showing up on official list

Release 2.1 changes

General changes and bugfixes:

- Fixed bug of Seduce being availabe before its point is purchased
- Toxin Rebel and Toxin RPG resistance to radiation improved (35% from 80% damage taken)
- Toxin RPG and Militia mob resistance to explosion damage improved (30% from 100% damage taken)
- Toxin RPG buildtime reduced (6s from 8s)
- Camouflage now also works for RPG troopers
- Scorpion Tank buildtime slightly reduced (13s from 14s)
- Technical buildtime improved (10s from 12s), cost slightly reduced (550 from 600)
- Militia Mob price reduced ($900 from $1100), builds faster (20s from 26s), requires only arms dealer now
- Toxin Reloader rate of fire increase for Marauders is now more effective (22%/15%/10% faster RoF from 15%/10%/7% - for 0/1/2 scraps)
- Toxin Weapons genplan now unlock a new weapon for the toxin tractor, "blob thrower". The blob thrower is a long range weapon that launches a blob that creates a special corrosive anthrax pool when it blows, after 3 seconds. Anthraxid damage is effective versus light vehicles and infantry and can be cleaned by ambulances and fire.
- Rocket Buggies and Toxin Tractors now more fire-resistant (60% from 100% damage taken)
- Rocket Buggy maneauverability enhanced
- Toxin Tractors now increase primary weapon range with scraps (100/150/185 for 0/1/2 scraps) and with gamma (120/170/205)
- Anthrax Bomb is now Anthraxid Bomb, deals large damage to everything along time
- GLA's Cash Bounty now gives 20% (vs 10%) of the value of killed units
- Dragon Tanks and Toxin Tractors are now vulnerable to Molotov Cocktails (80% from 10%)
- 'Dead Man's Trigger' (always blow on death) feature added for Gamma-upgraded terror bikes

- Fixed missing cameo of RPGs in tunnels
- Fixed bug of disappearing 'Nuke Penetration bomb' upgrade from mined airfields
- Fixed the uncapturable derrick in map Lonely Mountain (4p)
- To improve performance, removed snow from maps Siberia (6p) and Midnight Ice (8p)
- Fixed Delta Engine upgrade not being able to be multi-selected (ie. with many units selected at once)
- Fixed bug of Boss China's Tank Drop not showing in the shortcut bar
- Added Toxin-reloader cameo for the Combat Bike and the Toxin Marauder
- RED Buggy ammo upgrade now offers an elevated turret, faster moving missiles and longer range (330 from 300)
- Added Patch 1.03 maps - Tournament A and B (4p), and Defcon 6 (6p) to the map list

Release 2 changes

General changes and bugfixes:

- Boss Hard AI is so enhanced that it's barely recognizable from the initial release. Do us a favour and try it. Be warned that it's a computationally intensive AI, so multiple AIs at once will make most comps grind to a halt.
- All artillery units now more resistant to infantry missiles (67% damage taken from 85%)
- Special Tanks now slightly more vulnerable to SMALL_ARMS (14% damage taken from 10%)
- Auto-victory bug on War Island vs AI fixed, full AI support added
- Unaccessible refinery for right base on War Island fixed
- Waves and lakes subwater detailing added to the Tourney Island 2 map
- Boss Scorched Earth map now have one reinforcement pad on each side
- Keyboard rotation speed restored to the original
- Mouse scroll factor restored to the original setting
- China AI no longer crashes the game 1 minute after building a Neutron Cannon
- New Cash Deposit feature on Command Centers - earns you $500 every 1m 50s
- Boss No-shellmap background picture added, credits revised
- Boss Lonely Mountain "map not found" bug fixed
- Boss Scorched Earth AI fixed

* New features:

- New 1v1 map, "Homeland Rocks" by R4v3n and AgEnT21, an outstanding CnCDen featured map revamped for Boss Generals
- Added support for hotkey-editing. An external visual shortcut-editor will be provided later
- Graphical settings revised, resulting in frame rate improvements
- Proprietary Uninstaller, assures a clean uninstall in every situation
- Improved cameo graphics like the Toxin Terrorist and EMP cluster mines
- Many new and improved sounds and upgrade voices, like Armor suits, Demoralize, Toxin Reloader, Mig Armor and Flare, etc.
- Early German "locale" language support. Thanks to R4v3n and SpaceElite for the translation work. This is a work-in-progress, we'll have the complete translation soon. Due to the new enhanced language support in Boss Generals R2, language updates won't require a full software update, and will be very small in size.
- New option added to the loader, windowed (to run the game in windowed mode) and firewallport if you run the game behind a firewall and needs to override the default port setting
- Loader will automatically detect when there's a new version available online and link to the file download
- New Boss USA starting soundtrack, an exclusive remix of a Frank Klepacki's classic, "Ready the Army"
- Built-in infantry graphics to adequate Boss Generals to the german version
- New Game Loading songs for each Boss faction, credits to Ferrum for selecting and digitizing them

* Faction specific changes and fixes:

** US changes

- Command Center's Spy Satellite now takes 1 min to chargeup/reload (was available at start and took 2 min to recharge in v1)
- Fixed MD veterancy + kevlar chemsuit serious error
- The Crusader XL can now be equiped with the XL Battle Drone, a very effective heavy machine gun
- Fixed EP Raptors with the LGM upgrade not being able to hit movin infantry
- Fixed bug that rendered GSDs (Guardian Sentry Drones) snipable by Jarmen Kell
- The Avenger+ can now manually target air units
- Fixed Heavy Repair tooltip - was pointing to the China fast repair one
- Countermeasures upgrade now only available with "Shock and Awe" genplan (formerly King Raptor)
- Countermeasures upgrade cost decreased, $600 from $1000, improves comanches armor too
- Veteran MDs now give away more experience (40 from 30)
- Laser Burton level-up required experience evened out (50/150/230/350 from 50/100/150/350)
- Double A-10 power recharge time increased (5m from 4m)
- Spectre Gunship power recharge time increased (4m30s from 4m)
- Guardian Sentry Drone machinegun range of fire increased (180 from 165)
- Guardian Sentry Drone now more resistant to infantry missiles, less resistant to small_arms (Quads damage)
- Guardian Sentry Drone now has a $250 JackHammer upgrade, enabled with the 'Shock and Awe' Genplan

- Normal Patriot and EMP Patriot both had M as their hotkey, fixed (EMP pat is now "E")
- The Laser Paladin now properly have a Hellfire cameo.
- Laser ranger's Lasergun mode description fixed, shortcut is still the same ("M")
- Added countermeasures cameo for King Raptors
- Fixed MOAB crosshair radius, now it's equal to its effect radius
- USA heavy repair toolbar and shortcut tooltips fixed, now it's 5:00 properly
- Fixed HP lasergun/flashbang switch cameo and descriptions
- Due to a nasty engine bug, and to avoid the resultant serious errors, the blue chemsuit symbol isn't visible anymore.

** China changes

- Fixed the missing audio reports (like "your building is being captured")
- Tao Chaingun gattling tank now has a specific damage type, PENALTY instead of COMANCHE_VULCAN. In general lines it's a SMALL_ARMS less effective against structures and some specific counters like the Guardian Sentry Drone.
- Inferno Cannons can now more easily create firestorms (4 without BN, 5 with BN)
- Fixed a bug with the Inferno MK2 losing effectiveness after upgrading to Black Napalm
- Emperor Tanks healing rate slightly reduced (by 0.5%), levels up slower
- Bunker Overlord can now target air units
- Fixed Tank Hunter TNT disappearing when TH was killed
- Infantry Weapons upgrade cost slightly reduced ($800 from $900)
- Fixed bug of Seduce being only available once
- Seduce no longer requires to be charged-up before its first time use
- Super Lotus disable vehicle range reduced (230 from 275)
- Super Hacker disable vehicle range increased (260 from 175)
- Advanced Troopcrawler now has a faster detection rate (650ms from 900ms)
- Nuke Penetration Bomb logic redone from scratch, should be 100% now
- Helix S2 Nuke Bomb is now available instantly after research, show ammo pip
- Helix S2 Nuke Bomb cost reduced ($650 from $800)
- Penetration Bomb (tunnel evacuation for the Helix nuke bomb) is now a $250/40s airfield upgrade, requires Blitzkrieg
- China Gattling Towers now take advantage of the Tao chainguns upgrade
- All EMP mines (including the Speaker's detection one) now research faster (10s from 25s)
- Fast Repair sensibly enhanced - 50% larger area of effect, 33% more healing
- Artillery Barrage 2 recharge time slightly increased (5:30 from 5:00)
- Boss China now gets the Fai Attack Outpost (original ZH version) in the reinforcement pads - with a creepy "black propaganda" effect
- EMP Pulse (level 7 gen power) now recharges faster (5:00 from 6:00)

- Fixed a serious stability issue with the Minigunner drop
- Fixed bug with minigunner armor being too vulnerable to Tank shells
- Fixed bug with minigunner being too hard to be crushed (original ZH bug)
- Fixed a issue that rendered China Power Plants unable to activate the Nuke Tanks genplan after mined
- Fixed a stability issue with the Tactical Nuke Mig missile
- Fixed a bug with the Nationalism upgrade on a mined Propaganda Center
- Fixed 'Tao Chainguns' upgrade tooltip (it was written 'Piercing Chainguns', outdated)
- Emperor Tank Gattling cameo fixed
- Chinese airfield cameo fixed
- Fixed the "Upgrade Complete: "Tactical Nuke Back Mig" message
- Added 'Nuke Tanks' and 'Isotope Stability' camoes for the Overlord
- Fixed Infantry Weapons upgrade cost description at Advanced Infantry genplan selection
- China Carpet Bomber is now properly the Nuclear version
- Carpet Bomber and Frenzy powers now consistent across Command Center and shortcut buttons

** GLA changes

- Fixed Battlebus no-target bug
- Battle Bus can now target air units directly
- Toxin Trucks turret vertical range increased, helps clearing out buildings on top of hills
- GLA armored combat bikes are now way more maneauverable, can even reverse
- RPG combat bike range increased (210 from 175),
- RPG bike have 30% faster rate of fire with the Toxin Reloader upgrade
- Saboteurs now steal $1,300 (from $1k) from enemy supply centers
- Suicide button on the worker and rebel now correctly enabled by the Suicide Demo upgrade instead of the Demo Tools genplan
- Stinger site now share the same ground weapon of the RPG soldier, less ECM-deflectable but more PDL-resistant after MAPATs
- Stinger site now properly benefit from the Gamma upgrade
- Anthrax Bomb (level 7 gen power) is now Gamma and recharges faster (5:30 from 6:00)

- Fixed a bug that showed $600 at the tooltip of the rebel's weapon switch, with Molotov upgrade
- Fixed the "Upgrade Complete: Toxin &Weapons" message
- Fixed a potential stability issue with the Cash Bounty power
- Conflicting hotkeys solved: s&tingers, &toxin tunnels (toxin tunnel now "X"), &capture building, molotovs &cocktail (cocktail now "T")
- Gamma cameos added for the Stinger Site, Scud Hurricane Storm and Toxin Tunnel
- Fixed worker animation when hurt
- Molotov Cocktail no longer requires Demo Tools to be used, cost slightly reduced ($50 per rebel from $60)
- Molotov Cocktail projectile faster (150 from 100), quicker chargeup time (1.5s from 2.5s)
- Terrorist basic damage boost is now activated by the Demo Tools genplan with the "Demo Terror" upgrade
- 'Demo Terror' upgrade researcheable on supply stash, for $250, research time 20s (Toxin Terror was $500/30s)
- Gamma upgrade still empowers the terrorist and adds toxin puddle to explosion

Posts: 7,580

Clan: EPIC

Game: Command and Conquer 4


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