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League of Legends Strategies

The League of Legends Beginner's Guide
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Gameplay Tip

Death to Clowns!

Monday, 9 Aug 2010
The Demon Jester is a very oft banned champion, and is more than not people's personally most hated champion/ He is notorious for destroying pubs and uncoordinated teams, and despite being able to be banned, he is not always, and banning doesn't help those in normal games. The following tips are...
Hero Guide

Kennen Advanced

Thursday, 5 Aug 2010
Kennen has the stigma of a sub par champion, he is an infamous mage, as well as a weak dps, and while it's true he falls short compared to other characters in these roles, he has a surprising ability to be used as great burst/initiating tank. Kennen's ability to stun as many enemies as Amumu can...
Gameplay Tip

Tricky Teleport

Monday, 2 Aug 2010
Teleport is most often picked by players to be used in the lane to safely return to their lane after recalling for items or regeneration. Teleport is obviously very useful for this early on, but as the game goes on it grants your team as a whole a lot more flexibility and mobility.Teleport...
Strategy Guide

The Importance of Early Gaming

Friday, 30 Jul 2010
In League of Legends, and all of its counterparts, HoN, Dota, etc. there is a huge amount of snowballing. Dying in the beginning, or getting pushed out can be fatal in the end. A few champions excel at snowballing, getting stronger after every kill. To prevent this from happening you should focus...
Hero Guide

Udyr Advanced Guide

Tuesday, 27 Jul 2010
Udyr can fill multiple roles on a team, and has the ability to focus entirely on a certain path to create a direct bonus for his team, or to directly counter an enemy. As a pick, he can be the team's jungler and roamer, ganking and holding lanes when needed. Oddly enough, he's also a very solid...
Gameplay Tip

Wards: Unlikely Guardians

Sunday, 25 Jul 2010
Have you ever cringed at the sight of a powerballing Rammus wheeling himself towards you, knowing that he's going to taunt and kill you? Or have you ever been Katarina and watched as a skill shot comes and kills you? Now, unexpectedly, these items costing 90 and 150 gold could allow you to escape...
Hero Guide

Amumu Advanced Guide

Friday, 23 Jul 2010
Amumu is a powerful champion that can be played several ways. He can act as a tank, a hybrid, or he can aim for mass amounts of Ability Power. He's devastating during team fights and ganks, and no matter how he's played, Amumu is a force to be reckoned with.RunesQuintessencesx3 Greater...
Strategy Guide

Zilean Advanced Guide

Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010
Zilean is a great character that can be played a nuker or a support, or even hybrid. With some cooldown you can essentially have a revive ready whenever you need it, combined with one of the strongest haste/slow spells in the game, you can really be a nuisance without directly involving yourself....
Gameplay Tip

Landing the Cho` Gath Skill Shots

Monday, 19 Jul 2010
Cho’Gath is a character that has long cool downs, his “Rupture” skill has a ten second cool down, his “Feral Scream” skill has a sixteen second cool down, and his ultimate, “Feast,” has a sixty second cool down, the only skill which does not have a cool down, “Vorpal Spikes,” can be toggled on...
Hero Guide

Cho` Gath Advanced Guide

Friday, 16 Jul 2010
Cho'Gath is a wonderful character, alongside having great AP ratios, Cho'Gath also has an ultimate (Feast) which grants some extra health. Therefore, you can build Cho'Gath strictly as a caster and not necessarily worry about survivability. Today I bring to you, Cho'Gath the AP Terror. However,...