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Zerg Baneling

Race: Baneling
Role: Suicide
Type: Ground, Biological
Requires: Nest
Mutates From: Zergling
Supply: 1
Cost: 25 Minerals, 50 Gas
Build Time: 10
Health: -
Attack: -
Range: -
Targets: -
Speed: -
Size: -
Morphs Into: -
Abilities: Burrow
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Morphing from Zerglings, these are one of the first new units announced for the race of the Zerg. These creatures are made for one and only one purpose, suicide. As seen in the screenshot they roll, and as they hit their opponent, they explode releasing corrosive acid onto the enemies’ armor. Banelings are exceptional lethal against melee units like zealots, and are functional similar to Infested Terrans of Starcraft.

Little is known about these but one can speculate sending a few dozen at a vital enemy Nexus, crippling their expansion. Alternatively, perhaps one could use these in cohesion with a Nydus Worm, having the Nydus Worm pop up near a Terran bunker defense, wreaking the defense for a massive assault with Zerglings.

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