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Zerg Nydus Worm

Race: Nydus Worm
Role: Transportation
Type: -, Biological
Requires: -
Mutates From: Larva
Supply: 1
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Gas
Build Time: 33
Health: -
Attack: -
Range: -
Targets: Ground, Air
Speed: -
Size: -
Morphs Into: -
Abilities: Burrows
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The Nydus worms were seen in Blizzards video popping out of the ground and releasing swarms of Zerglings on the enemies above. There has been much debate on whether these are technically a building or unit. In the original Starcraft, the Zerg had a structure called the Nydus canal. One could build this anywhere that creep was located, and then they could have the organic building tunnel over to another creep location that the player to which had line of site. Once this tunnel was created, the Zerg player could send an endless number of units instantaneously across the map into the battlefront. This was especially useful if one could send it the canal into the back of an enemy’s base.

In Starcraft 2 not too much is known about the Nydus worms but they seem to be similar to the Nydus canal. One might speculate that they are a unit by looking at there name, but what they actually are has yet to be seen. We know Terran still have their classic drop ship and it would seem the Protoss shuttle has been replaced with teleportation. Perhaps the Zerg now use their worm unit to transport units.

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