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CNC Zero Hour

Jundiyy vs hmad41450 - 1HP

[RANK] Homeland Rocks ZH v3
[RANK] Homeland Rocks ZH v3
#1Jundiyy  Jun 20 2018, 14:36 PM -

Replays: 298 Game:
Not a pro reply, perhaps not even a good one but I enjoyed playing it and the ending was great for me.
This replay can be seen as the last game in the video below.
#2Leikeze  Jun 20 2018, 18:39 PM -
A boast replay from Jundiyy? This is truly a sad day.

He was so heavily out matched in the last game that he burned up his own army to do sacrifice unto you.
#3Jundiyy  Jun 20 2018, 19:34 PM -

Replays: 298 Game:
Haha lol, that would be funny if someone burned down their army out of frustration.
Nah not a boast replay man, China nearly had me, I’m USA vs China, what can I boast lol, shows how noob I am, plus my main thing was about how close it was. Not bothered about anything else.
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