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Adjeking vs. Tak3r

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# 1EPIC Perfection Oct 30 2006, 14:12 PM
Review by Samus

Taker (Coutl) vs Adjeking (Alin)

Map: Valley of Lost Souls
Game Time: 43:10

Game Overview: Adjeking puts the pressure on Taker early and doesn't let up for a long time, keeping Taker struggling economically while he flourished. A series of great raids by Adjeking ensure his economic advantage continues to mount, but Taker holds on and manages to get up some Obelisks to help defend his mines. Mid game is quite the stalemate a both players seem unable to make any headway against their opponent. However, Taker manages to reduce the raiding done on him, and uses this time to slowly bring his economy up to even the playing field. By the late game, Taker has matched the income level of his opponent and begins pushing into Adjeking's territory. Adjeking goes for a Glass Dragon, but with 4 Elite Storm Disks and a slew of other units, Taker may have set some kind of record for the fastest destroyed master unit. With his army crushed and Taker sweeping through his lands, Adjeking resigns.

Taker (Coutl)

Build Order: Reactor-->Reactor-->Reactor-->Military


+ Great micro. This kept you in it early when most would not have lasted.
+ Great use of Obelisks. This really put a crimp in Adjeking's raiding.
+ Great late game expansion. This is what pushed you over the top and won you the game.


- Low energy income mid-game. You only had +135 at the 10 minute mark, and only +160 until after 13 minutes. I felt like a huge part of your mid-game woes were due to this, as you couldn't upgrade your mines for a long time and couldn't build any high energy cost units.

Player Summary: This was a very impressive victory, considering the economic position you were in early to mid game. It took you nearly 30 minutes to get to Great City, but once there you took control of the game.

Player Score: 8/10

Adjeking (Alin)

Build Order: Magus-->Merchant-->Merchant-->Palace


+ Fantastic raiding. This was some of the best raiding I've seen.
+ Great economy building throughout the game. Together with the raiding you had a huge economic advantage for the first half of the game.


- Poor unit selection. You were building an army comprised with a lot of Heartseekers and Sand Dragons before he had any air units at all. You kept dumping huge chunks of timonium into those Sand Dragons even after he had Storm Disks making short work of them.
- Glass Dragon. This sort of fits with poor unit selection, but I wanted to emphasize this because I thought your decision to stop building regular units and go for this is what broke the stalemate and lost you the game. Normally this is a plus, but Taker already had 4 Elite Storm Disks before you even started making it. The poor guy never had a prayer.
- Lack of unit upgrades. I don't think this would have saved your Glass Dragon, but it certainly put you at a huge disadvantage in each battle before it.

Player Summary: You absolutely should have won this game. I've never seen a game this one-sided economically be so even militarily. Because of unit selection and lack of upgrading, you continually had an army that was substantially more expensive but significantly less powerful than Taker's. I thought you should have focused on a larger Scorpion spam (and kept it up for much longer), more Glass Golems, and some Elder Salamanders, since Coutl have no direct economically efficient counters to those units. With your relative economies, I felt this would have given you a decisive victory.

Player Score: 7/10

Game Summary

Educational Value: 6/10 Excellent raiding by Adjeking early and mid game, as well as a great example of what a huge effect unit selection can have.

Entertainment Value: 7/10 A very good game with lots of action throughout all over the map.

Game Score: 7/10

Attached File(s)
Attached File adjekingvstak3r.rec
Size: 595.36k
Number of downloads: 250
Player Name Side Team
Taker 6
Adjeking 6

Posts: 2,180

Clan: EPIC

Game: StarCraft 2

# 2DakiMagro Oct 30 2006, 17:21 PM
this is great game.
this game plucked at my heart strings smile.gif smile.gif

congrats taker,adjeking !!

Posts: 480

Game: Universe at War

# 3thepts Oct 30 2006, 19:29 PM
Very nice game, many comebacks back and forth... I'm amazed to see
how well Taker held out despite having almost half the economy of his
opponent.. n1qshok.gif

Posts: 966

Game: Rise of Legends

# 4mehoo462 Oct 30 2006, 21:47 PM
I think cuotl is the best at doing more with less...

as long as your careful with whacha got.

good work taker

This post has been edited by mehoo462: Oct 30 2006, 21:47 PM

Posts: 396


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