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ROTW - FoC_TraineR vs. jedi98765454

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# 1TDA Nov 13 2006, 00:00 AM
Review by Precise
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FoC_Trainer (Rebel) vs Jedi (Empire)

Overview: A Really really great game with lots of back and forth fights with good offence good use of troops and vehicles. Capturing of key points and destroying key buildings. An amazing watch and I strongly recommend this game to players who wish to learn how to play the rebels correctly. Great use of T2-B tanks and stromtroopers really made this a great game


biggrin.gif Pros biggrin.gif

biggrin.gif Really great T2-B usage and micro
biggrin.gif Captured the northern mines when you couldn't capture the biggest one
biggrin.gif Good overrall micro and capturing of landing pads

sad.gif Cons sad.gif

sad.gif Didn't capture the big mine and wasted a lot of units trying to

Player Summary: A really good game played by you with only a few mistakes but you made up with them with great micro and usage. You refused to let your light factory be destroyed as wave upon wave of attackers came to take it down but in the end you prevailed. You lost your barracks but you didn't really need it because of ther wicked awesome T2-B tanks.

Player Rating: 7.5


biggrin.gif Pros biggrin.gif

biggrin.gif You used your storm trooper spam really well to harass and capture key points
biggrin.gif Captured the big platform and made hutt thing for it's units.
biggrin.gif Good use of swamp speeders and your micro was good to

sad.gif Cons sad.gif

sad.gif The only real reason for you losing this game was focusing all your energy on taking down the light factory when you should've focused on taking down enemy mines and building up your economy

Player Summary: A good game played by you and your one mistake was focusing to much energy at your opponents light factory when taking down his mines would've hurt him more. You used your storm troopers very well and swamp speeders to harass and defend key points on the map

Player Rating: 6.5

Entertainment: 7
Overrall Game Rating: 7

Good Game guys

This post has been edited by DalzK: Nov 26 2006, 20:43 PM

Attached File(s)
Attached File 1v1_Jedi_Bothu.rec
Size: 40.09k
Number of downloads: 199
Player Name Side Team
FoC_TraineR 1
jedi98765454 2

Posts: 22,016

Clan: Prisoners Of War

Game: None


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