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Countering Scorpion Spam Guide

By Sub - 16th July 2008 - 23:08 PM

Having Scorpions under your options for attack, there are still a lot of things that can be done to not only counter your opponent before their force becomes too potent, but to prevent him from even beginning a decent economy.

Many Scorpion Tank spammers will overlook one of Nod's greatest early game units: the Attack Bike. Attack bikes are great for scouting, and for pounding your opponent's economy. There are a few things that Attack Bikes have that Scorpions do not. Firstly, the Attack Bikes are quicker than the Scorpion Tanks making them much more maneuverable and versatile, which puts them at a huge advantage in Nod mirrors. Secondly, they can detect stealth, which is ideal for harassment. I do need to point out that Attack Bikes aren't necessarily a substitute to Scorpion Tanks, but an effective and essential tool in countering an opponent that goes with Scorpion Tanks. Keep in mind that if you aren't going to be aggressive early on, you are giving your opponent time to set up a strong economy that if not unmatched, you will have trouble turning the tide of the game, as you are now playing to your opponent's strategy, rather than your own.

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Marked of Kane
Very similar to Core Nod, Marked of Kane has very similar options when looking into countering Scorpion Spam, so keep the following in mind when playing with either faction.
You will have options other than simply matching your opponents spam. A few quick effective Marked of Kane unique strategies would include the use of your tech center. Once you are teched, you have opened the door to a few very powerful upgrades. One of them being Super Charged Particle Beams, and the other being Tiberium Core Missiles. Not only will they give you the tools necessary to out tech your opponent, but to force him to change up his strategy.

Supercharged Particle Beam and Venoms
The Supercharged Particle Beam does two key things that will aid you in warding off your opponents spam. Firstly, the upgraded Venoms pack an immense punch when engaging retreating Scorpions. One thing to keep in mind is their power in numbers. Be sure that you keep them out of sight, until you have enough to do sizable damage before your opponent can counter your Venoms.

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One late game option that might be of use is the Epic unit, Redeemer. If your opponent has a large group of Scorpions using the Rage Generator can be all it takes to wipe out your opponents armada.

Black Hand

Black Hand players need to assume that Scorpions Tanks will be the weapon of choice for their opponent for one reason, un-stealthed Harvesters. Not only that, but Scorpions can crush the Black Hand's one strong point, infantry. That said, your opponent would be silly not to go for Scorpion Spam. In the early game, you will need to mirror his efforts, as simply building infantry will not suffice because a well microed Scorpion Tank will win.

In the mid to late game, you will need to mix your units to avoid being crushed by waves of Scorpion Tanks. Try countering your opponent with some Scorpion Tanks of your own, and use them to force your opponent away from your vulnerable Rocket Squads.

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Upgrading Your Infantry
This needs to be your top priority in the mid game. Black Hand lacks a lot of Nod's units, especially stealth units, so you need to play to your strengths. With upgraded infantry, sometimes it isn't enough. Try to incorporate a few Scorpion Tanks of your own in your force, and when your opponent tries to send in a wave to crush your troops, you can use your own tanks to throw off his micro and give your Infantry more time to finish off the incoming wave of Scorpion Tanks.