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Gears Tactics Announced By Microsoft

By FallenXE - 15th June 2018 - 18:28 PM

Microsoft announced three Gears of War games during their E3 Press Briefing this week, with two out of three of them slated for release in 2019.

First up, we have Gears 5 which features Kait Diaz - from the previous instalment - as the main protagonist for this entry. This comes three years after the last entry in the series. It represents the first game in the main franchise in which the "of War" part of the title has been dropped. Gamespot has an interview with Xbox's General Manager of Games Marketing Aaron Greenberg regarding the decision on the rebranding.

Check out the announcement trailer below:

Following that, there was the announcement for Gears POP!, a mobile game based on the franchise and inspired by Funko's POP line. The exact gameplay mechanics of the game have not been featured but we can expect it to come to Android and iOS devices in 2019.

Last but not least - and most relevant for us here on GameReplays.Org - there was a turn-based strategy game based on the franchise titled Gears Tactics announced as well. Something interesting to note is that unlike Halo Wars 2, which saw a release for both the Xbox One and Windows 10, Gears Tactic will be released for Windows 10 only.

As mentioned during the press briefing, the setting of Tactics will be 12 years before the original Gears of War game. A specific release date for the game has not been announced but there is a high chance a release this year is unlikely considering the game is still in the Pre-Alpha stage.

Check out a preview of the gameplay below:

It seems fans of the Gears of War franchise are certainly in luck with a plethora of choices avaliable in the near future. Do tell us your thoughts and comments below and if you are looking forward to the games!

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