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Protoss Nullifier

Race: Protoss
Built From: Protoss Gateway
Requires: Gateway, Cybernetics Core
Supply: 2
Cost: 50 Minerals & 100 Gas
Build Time:
Health: 40
Energy: 100

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The Nullifier is a new addition to the Protoss arsenal since the end of the Brood War. Occupying the next level up the tech tree, the Nullifier’s low mineral cost makes it especially complementary to the mineral heavy Zealot. Equipped with a ranged attack that slows enemy movement speed, this support unit is especially effective at crippling fleeing units.

Most importantly, however, the Nullifier sports a reserve of 100 energy to power two special abilities aimed at addressing some vulnerabilities in the Protoss armament. The first of these abilities is the Force Field, which creates a barrier to standard ground units for a cost of 30 energy. This allows the Nullifier to effectively separate massed ground forces or create temporary choke points. The second of these abilities, the Null Void, comes at the slightly heftier cost of 50 energy, and prevents all units units within its area of effect from activating their energy driven abilities.

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