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Protoss Probe

Race: Protoss
Role: Resource Collector
Built From: Nexus
Supply: 1
Cost: 50
Build Time: 16 seconds
Health: 20

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The Protoss Probe forms the corner-stone of Protoss operations in deep space. Responsible for the gathering of mineral and vespene gas resources, as well as for base construction, a multitude of Probes are often necessary to fuel the Protoss war machine. While drastically more fragile than its Terran cousin, the SCV, the delicate Probe houses the advanced Protoss technology required to generate a warp rift.

The ability to produce stable warp rifts is what separates the Probe from other worker units. These rifts provide an avenue by which Protoss structures can be constructed off-world and teleported onto the battlefield upon completion. This allows a single probe to begin construction of multiple structures, and then return to gathering resources or set off scouting without any meaningful interruption. Most Protoss structures require access to the psionic matrix that powers their technology in order to sustain a stable rift. The Nexus and Pylon structures, however, contain a power source which is independently capable of sustaining such a portal, and can therefore be constructed anywhere on the map. The ability of a single probe to simultaneously construct multiple buildings allows a Protoss player to very quickly expand to and fortify new locations.
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