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StarCraft 2

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Protoss Features

Starcraft 2 Terran * Starcraft 2 Protoss * Starcraft 2 Zerg
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Starcraft 2 Protoss Overview * Starcraft 2 Protoss Features
Starcraft 2 Protoss Units * Starcraft 2 Protoss Buildings
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Psionic Matrix

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The Psionic Matrix is not new to the Protoss in Starcraft 2, being a carry over from the original game; however, the matrix has been enhanced in a number of ways. First, in review, buildings can be warped into the area with the matrix around Pylons. This matrix provides the massive amount of power required to warp the buildings from Auir. As can be seen in the screenshot below the radius of the matrix around the Pylon is quite small, much smaller then the similar creep that extends out from the Zerg buildings. The matrix, however, instantaneously extends out to its full radius when the Pylons are constructed while the Zerg creep slowly extends out.

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One of the enhancements of the Psionic Matrix in Starcraft 2 is that it allows Protoss to use their "warp in" ability anywhere in its radius, allowing one to have a quick response force. A second enhancement with the Psionic Matrix, which goes along with the warp in ability, is that Phase Prisms can extend the matrix on the battlefield. It has also been noted, that for Protoss shields to regenerate as they did in the original Starcraft, the unit may have to be within the Psionic Matrix. This has yet to be fully confirmed.

Warp In

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In the original Starcraft when a Protoss player wanted to transport his troops around the map, the player would use a shuttle. In Starcraft 2 this has all changed with the invent of Warp In. This Protoss ability can be used to teleport units from one point within the psionic matrix to another point. When combined with Phase Prisms a player can quickly teleport large armies to the front of the battle. Gateways that are upgraded to Warp Gates can set their waypoints to immediately teleport units they construct to the battlefield. As with all abilities, there are disabilities to this. First, for each unit teleported around the map a Protoss must have a Gateway to teleport the unit. This means if a Protoss wants to move a large army around the player will need a large number of Gateways. Furthermore, each time you teleport a unit the ability must recharge before it can be used again. It would seem reasonable to assume that this is on a per Gateway basis. One final disadvantage of Warp In is that while the units are materializing on the other side, should they be attacked, they are defenseless.